Avid4 Adventure + Sticky Fingers Cooking 2017 Summer Camp in Mill Valley, CA (June 19th-23rd) PreK - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Avid4 Adventure + Sticky Fingers Cooking 2017 Summer Camp in Mill Valley, CA (June 19th-23rd) PreK

Avid4 Adventure + Sticky Fingers Cooking 2017 Summer Camp in Mill Valley, CA (June 19th-23rd) PreK

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Mill Valley Middle School
425 Sycamore Ave
Mill Valley, CA, 94941
Session Summary
5 Cooking Classes
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Class Dates: 06/19/2017, 06/20/2017, 06/21/2017, 06/22/2017, 06/23/2017
Important Information

Sticky Fingers Cooking + Avid4 Adventure

2017 Summer Camp

Monday- Friday, June 19th- 23rd

Five days, two hour cooking camps

*Your child must be enrolled in Avid4 Adventure's Discovery PreK Multi-Sport Summer Camp to attend our cooking camp!*

For more camp info and to register: http://www.avid4.com/day-camps/california-camps/mill-valley-camps/discovery-mill-valley/

Discovery PreK Multi-Sport Camp

Three- and four-year-olds are ready. Ready for their first taste of outdoor adventure. Ready to experience our carefully balanced mix of adventure sports, outdoor education and creative pursuits.  In our Discovery Day Camp, preschool campers take on two adventure activities that provide a great foundation for leading an active life:  outdoor cooking and biking.  

Developed in partnership with Avid4 Adventure, in our cooking portion of the day campers will learn what good nutrition means for their bodies and how to make smart eating choices. They discover what’s edible or otherwise useful in nature and use their finds to whip up natural recipes and remedies. And of course, they cook delicious, nutritious dishes perfect for on the go trail snacks or overnight camping trip meals.

During the biking portion of each day, we work through a thoughtful progression from scooting to coasting to pedaling as campers gain experience on two wheels. Throughout the week, we’ll also engage campers in games, art and yoga, offering additional opportunities for fun and confidence building. 

Discovery campers are supported and inspired by the most qualified pre-K instructors in the business.  The experience is a giant first step toward developing technical skills, confidence and a lifelong love of the outdoors.

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