Sticky Notes - A Kid's Guide to Love & Kindness
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A Kid's Guide to Love & Kindness

February 9, 2022 by Emily Moore

The world needs more LOVE and KINDNESS a falafel lot!

There’s nothing wrong with meet-cutes and romantic gestures, but Valentine’s Day can be so much more! If we only get this one holiday to go all out on love, don’t you think it’s kind of a shame to limit ourselves? Now, more than ever, we all need love and kindness, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to go all in. Here are two thoughts on how to do that.

LOVE on Kids!

Love is incredibly powerful for all people, especially children. According to research, when parents express unconditional love and affection toward their children, it actually changes the children’s brains and produces kids who are happier and less anxious. Not only that, but the positive effects of warmth and affection endure and can lead to happier, more resilient adults. With our lives always in motion, it’s easy to forget to make sure we’re letting our kids know how much we love them. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers these suggestions for 14 Ways to Show Your Child [really, ANY child!] Love on Valentine’s Day and Every Day.


Studies have shown that acts of kindness benefit the recipient, the giver, and even witnesses. It’s true.

Small, unexpected kindnesses:

  • paying the toll for the car behind you
  • bringing flowers to your helpful colleague
  • wheeling out your neighbor’s trash
  • a love note in your child's lunch box
  • bake a batch of scones just for your babysitter 
  • "just because" handwritten card for a teacher, mail carrier, or delivery person
  • giving compliments to a stranger
  • sending a text one day for a week to a friend or relative letting them know how much you mean to them

​​​​​​​These little acts can actually improve the mental and physical help of everyone involved. How cool is that?! Your kids will be watching and learning kindness acts from you as well. What are you waiting for? Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 13-19, 2022!​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​This Valentine’s Day (or week! or month!) consider all the people you love – especially the kids in your life – and shower them with love and kindness! (Pro tip: a little planning helps.)

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