Sticky Notes - From Lemons to Dough: Your Child's Guide to Sweet Success with Lemonade & Bake Stands!
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From Lemons to Dough: Your Child's Guide to Sweet Success with Lemonade & Bake Stands!

August 1, 2024 by Emily Moore
  • When life gives you LEMONS, take some WHISKS and create a lemonade + bake stand!

Is your child familiar with the classic game Lemonade Stand? When I showed it to my teenager, she shrieked, “No way! I LOOOOOVED that game in elementary school!” and promptly played three rounds. (Who knew?)

Besides being a symbol of the typical American summer, the sidewalk stand is often a child’s first foray into business and finance. It's a fantastic opportunity for them to practice planning, math, perseverance and engaging with the community. And they might get lucky and earn a little pocket change!

Steps to Start a Lemonade or Bake Stand

1.     Decide What to Make

Lemonade? Sweet Tea? Baked goods? All are great options. For baking inspiration, try Create-Your-Own-Scones or Key Lime Doughnut Holes.

2.     Define the Mission & Goals

Why does your child want to sell lemonade or baked goods? Are they looking to share a great recipe? Stave off boredom? Have fun with friends? Earn spending money? Learn about business? Raise money for a cause? Helping your child articulate their mission is a valuable process.

3.     Determine the Budget

Help your child list all the necessary supplies (e.g., lemons, sugar, ice, and cups for lemonade; ingredients, plates, and napkins for baked goods). Include paper and markers for signs. Then estimate the price for each item.

4.     Gather the Supplies

Shop with your child for supplies. Use items you already have at home, but track their estimated cost. When you’re done, calculate the total spent. Discuss whether you went over or under budget and why.

5.     Set the Price(s) 

Talk with your child about the factors that influence pricing: What did the supplies cost? You need to recoup costs before making a profit.  Have you seen other stands in the neighborhood? What were their prices? How’s the weather? 

Run through some examples. If a cup of lemonade sells for $1 and you sell 20 cups, how much money would you collect? Also, consider if customers might pay more if a portion of profits supports a neighborhood cause, or if local businesses might support young entrepreneurs. These factors help determine pricing and convey valuable lessons.

6. Assess and Reflect 

Reflect on the experience, discuss what they learned, and celebrate any successes. Setting up a lemonade or bake stand is a fantastic way for kids to learn about business, engage with the community, and have a lot of fun. And with any luck, they’ll even be some leftovers to enjoy!

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