Kid-friendly Astonishing Avocado Mousse Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: Astonishing Avocado Mousse

Recipe: Astonishing Avocado Mousse

Astonishing Avocado Mousse

by Dylan Sabuco
Photo by fredredhat/
prep time
5 minutes
cook time
4-6 servings

Fun Food Story

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Astonishing Avocado Mousse

In some countries, avocado is served as a dessert. Surprised? Astonishing Avocado Mousse might change your mind. It's sweet, creamy, and a lovely pale green color. Try it on ice cream, smoothies, or Sweet Portuguese "Pastel de Feijão" Tarts!

Happy & Healthy Cooking,

Chef Erin, Food-Geek-in-Chief

Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills

  • blend :

    to stir together two or more ingredients until just combined; blending is a gentler process than mixing.

  • measure :

    to calculate the specific amount of an ingredient required using a measuring tool (like measuring cups or spoons).

Equipment Checklist

  • Blender (or pitcher/liquid measuring cup + immersion blender)
  • Cutting board
  • Kid-safe knife
  • Can opener


Astonishing Avocado Mousse

  • 2 avocados
  • 1 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub 1 small can sweetened condensed coconut milk—more info below)**

Food Allergen Substitutions

Astonishing Avocado Mousse

  • Dairy: For 1 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk, substitute 1 small can sweetened condensed coconut milk OR 1 13.5-oz can coconut milk + 1/2 C sugar.


Astonishing Avocado Mousse

scoop + blend

Cut open 2 avocados and remove and discard the pit (seed). Then, scoop out all the green, creamy fruit into a blender (or pitcher for use with an immersion blender). Add 1 can of sweetened condensed milk and blend! Keep blending until your avocado and sweetened condensed milk are fully combined, creamy, and dreamy.

Surprise Ingredient: Avocado!

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Photo by Larisa Blinova/

Hi! I’m Avocado!

"Hola! (Hello!) My name is Avocado, and I'm so happy to be an ingredient in your dish! Avocados can be sliced or chopped and presented naturally, or you can mash us and add lime or lemon juice, salt, cilantro, garlic, onions, jalapeños, and other seasonings to make Guacamole! The citrus juice provides flavor and also keeps us from turning brown in the air. Did you know that avocados are sometimes called Alligator Pears due to our pear-like shape and green skin?"


  • Avocados originated in Mexico and Central America, where Spanish is the national language. Their history dates back 7,000 years. Avocado in Spanish is “aguacate!”
  • Avocados are now popular all over the globe and are used in all types of recipes! Most of our avocados are grown in Mexico and California. Avocado trees grow best in mild, warm climates with moderate humidity. They don't like cold weather.
  • The most popular avocado is the "Hass." All Hass avocados are descendants of a "mother tree" that grew in the backyard of a man's house in California.

Anatomy & Etymology

  • Avocados have a seed or pit! Botanically speaking, that makes them a fruit! So, technically, avocados are berries. Berry interesting, no?
  • Avocados come in different shapes, from oval to pear, depending on the variety. The skin looks like fine leather, which helps them to withstand the fierce Mexican sun. It's not edible and is durable enough to protect the ripening avocado flesh inside.
  • Some have smooth skin, while others have a rougher, more pebbled appearance. Most are glossy green, while a few varieties turn purplish-black when ripe. But regardless of the exterior, all have a large, inedible seed surrounded by the soft, buttery, creamy-white to greenish-yellow flesh on the inside, with a delicate nutty taste! 
  • The word "avocado" comes from the mid-17th century Spanish "aguacate," from the Nahuatl "ahuacatl," which has been combined with other words, such as "ahuacamolli," meaning avocado soup or sauce. That is how we get the word "guacamole." 

How to Pick, Buy, & Eat

  • Avocados grow on big evergreen trees with a beautiful crown of smooth, glossy, dark green leaves that shade the avocados from the sun. Avocados mature slowly and steadily on the tree but put off ripening until picked. One tree can produce 150 to 500 avocados per year.  
  • Avocado trees grow best in mild, warm climates with moderate humidity. They don’t like cold weather.  
  • How to properly peel an avocado: The method you use to peel an avocado can make a difference to your health. Research has shown that the greatest concentration of carotenoids in avocado occurs in the dark green flesh that lies just beneath the skin. Therefore, you don't want to slice into that dark green portion any more than necessary when peeling an avocado. For this reason, the best method is what the California Avocado Commission has called the "nick and peel" method. In this method, you peel the avocado with your hands in the same way you would peel a banana. The first step in the nick-and-peel method is to cut into the avocado lengthwise, producing two long avocado halves that are still connected in the middle by the seed. Next, you take hold of both halves and twist them in opposite directions until they naturally separate. At this point, remove the seed and cut each of the halves lengthwise to produce long quartered sections of the avocado. Finally, use your thumb and index finger to grip the edge of the skin on each quarter and peel it off, just as you would do with a banana skin. The result is a peeled avocado that contains most of that dark green outermost flesh that is so rich in carotenoid antioxidants!
  • Avocado is delicious mashed and spread on toast, chopped and added to salsas, sliced and fanned across salads, and diced and added to soups. In addition, avocado can be breaded and fried and stuffed into tacos, mashed or whipped and added to desserts (like cakes and puddings (yum!), and, of course, used as a base for countless varieties of guacamole.


  • Good fat! Avocado is one of only a few fruits to contain fat—the special kind that’s really good for you and keeps you healthy. It’s a source of essential fatty acids and is mostly the same kind of healthy fat found in olive oil. What body part needs this type of fat?! The brain!
  • Vitamin E keeps our blood healthy! 
  • B Vitamins help our bodies make energy!
  • Fiber helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and fight heart disease!
  • The most nutrition in an avocado is the part of the flesh that’s closest to the peel! This darker green flesh has particular nutrients called carotenoids. The Guinness Book of World Records calls the Avocado the most nutritious fruit known to man!


History of Mousse!

Photo by margouillat photo/
  • Mousse (pronounced "moose") has been known in France since at least 1768 when it was called "crème en mousse" "cream in foam") or "mousse crémeuse" ("creamy foam").
  • Chocolate mousse was an early favorite, mixing chopped or grated chocolate in a saucepan with cream to melt it, adding sugar, and then whisking to make it foamy. 
  • Mousse today is a creamy, light, and airy combination of sweet or savory foods and whipped cream, sugar, or spices. It also may include whipped egg whites, egg yolks, or gelatin (for faster setting and stability). 
  • A savory mousse is often made with puréed fish, poultry, or vegetables and combined with beaten egg whites, whipped cream, cheese, herbs, or spices. It is often served as an appetizer or a light first course.
  • A sweet mousse, served for dessert, consists of some variety of chocolate or fruit with whipped cream, beaten egg whites, and sugar folded in gently.

Let's Learn About Portugal!

Photo by Carlos Caetano/
  • Portugal is on the western coast of the European continent, on the Iberian peninsula, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and Spain. Portuguese is the official language. It is also the official language of nine other countries, including Brazil.
  • Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and one of the oldest cities in the world. Unfortunately, it suffered a major earthquake in 1755, which devastated the city and caused it to lose much of its wealth and status.  
  • The oldest bookstore in the world, Livreria Bertrand, is located in Lisbon. The original store was opened in 1732. However, when the earthquake hit, it leveled most of the city, including Livreria Bertrand. Although the original French founder's son-in-law had to resettle the shop in a different part of the city, it is still considered the oldest standing bookstore in the world.
  • The art of tile painting and glazing, known as "azulejo," is one of Portugal's most popular art forms. The use of these tiles for building interiors and exteriors began in the 1500s and is still practiced by artisans today.
  • Lisbon has the longest bridge in Europe. The Vasco da Gama bridge is over 10 miles long.
  • Portugal is famous for its surfing. They say you can surf 364 days a year there. In other words, year-round!
  • Common animals found in Portugal are boars, wild goats, fallow deer, foxes, and Iberian hares. 
  • Have you ever wondered where vegetables, fruits, and spices came from originally? Of course, they all came from somewhere, and at some point in history, a group of explorers or conquerors would have carried native ingredients with them and introduced them to the people of other lands. In the 16th century, Portuguese explorers dominated the spice routes around the world—exploring, navigating, and bringing new ingredients back and forth between continents. For example, the Portuguese brought chili peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes to India. They also introduced coffee to Brazil.
  • You may have heard of Ferdinand Magellan, one of the most famous Portuguese explorers. He set out to discover a western route to the Spice Islands. Known as the Maluku Islands, east of Indonesia, they were called the Spice Islands because nutmeg, mace, and cloves were only found there. Magellan was the first from Europe to cross the Pacific Ocean. The trip was long and dangerous, and only one out of their five ships returned three years later! Nevertheless, Magellan's voyage proved that the Earth could be circumnavigated (circled) by sea and that it was much bigger than anyone had initially thought.
  • The Portuguese love to eat cod, particularly dried, salted cod, known as "bacalhau." Salting the fish is a traditional way of preserving it. They have a different way of preparing cod for every day of the year!

What's It Like to Be a Kid in Portugal?

  • Family is foundational to life in Portugal, and family relationships are essential. Grandparents often help out with watching kids and may live in the same home with their grandchildren.
  • Football (soccer) is the most popular sport for kids. They also like to swim, ride bikes, and play basketball and futsal (a soccer-like game played on an indoor court). 
  • Children go to Portugal's beautiful beaches with their families, and older kids may surf. Other kid-friendly activities include trips to zoos, aquariums, and museums.
  • Some of the snacks Portuguese kids like to eat are Pastéis de Nata (egg custard tart), Sugus (chewy fruit candies similar to Starburst), Línguas de Gato (buttery, crunchy cookies shaped like cat tongues), Confeitos (confectionary) candy, Rissóis de Camarão (breaded shrimp patties), Sombrinhas de Chocolate (chocolate umbrellas), Arroz Doce (sweet rice), Bolinhos de Bacalhau (codfish cakes or fritters), Pão de Ló (sponge cake), Sumol (fruit soda), and Pintarolas (chocolates with a colorful, fruit-flavored coating, similar to M&Ms).

THYME for a Laugh

In our fridge there's condensed milk, evaporated milk, vanilla, and eggs.

So, just as a precaution we've put a sticker on them saying, "Warning: Highly Flannable."

That's Berry Funny

What do you say to an avocado who’s done a good job?


That's Berry Funny

Why do avocados get sad?

Because they feel pit-iful!

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