Kid-friendly Fabulous Flatbread Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: Fabulous Flatbread

Recipe: Fabulous Flatbread

Fabulous Flatbread

by Erin Fletter
Photo by Julia-Bogdanova/
prep time
15 minutes
cook time
5 minutes
4-6 servings

Fun Food Story

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Fabulous Flatbread

Kids will feel an accomplishment when they make their own flatbread. They can add toppings to it or dunk it into a dip or hummus, like Perfectly Pumpkin Hummus with Herb Drizzle.

Happy & Healthy Cooking,

Chef Erin, Food-Geek-in-Chief

Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills

  • brush :

    to apply a liquid, like melted butter or marinade, to a pan or a food.

  • fry :

    to fry in a pan in a small amount of fat.

  • knead :

    to work dough by pushing, pulling, and folding it by hand or with a stand mixer.

  • rest (dough) :

    to let bread or pastry dough relax, allowing the dough to absorb more liquid and become more pliable before shaping it.

  • snip :

    to use scissors to cut something with quick, sharp strokes.

Equipment Checklist

  • Nonstick skillet
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Dry measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Wooden spoon
  • Cutting board
  • Clean dish towel
  • Brush to oil skillet
  • Heat-resistant spatula


Fabulous Flatbread

  • 4 C all-purpose flour + more if needed **(for GLUTEN ALLERGY sub gluten-free/nut-free all-purpose flour)**
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp maple syrup or sugar or honey
  • 2 C plain yogurt **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub dairy-free/nut-free plain yogurt)**
  • 1/4 C Italian parsley leaves
  • olive oil, for brushing on bread and cooking

Food Allergen Substitutions

Fabulous Flatbread

  • Gluten/Wheat: Substitute gluten-free/nut-free all-purpose flour.
  • Dairy: Substitute dairy-free/nut-free plain yogurt.


Fabulous Flatbread

snip + stir

Have your kids snip or tear 1/4 cup Italian parsley leaves into tiny bits and add them to 4 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, and 2 teaspoons salt in a large mixing bowl. Then, stir in 2 cups yogurt and 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup until the dough is too stiff for a spoon.

knead + rest

Knead the dough in the bowl until it holds together well, adding more flour if necessary. Then turn the dough out on a floured surface and cut it into about 12 pieces. Have kids continue kneading their dough for about 5 minutes until it feels smooth and elastic. Put the dough balls in an oiled bowl, cover with a clean, damp dish towel, and set aside to rest.

press + flatten

Have your kids press the dough balls flat into round discs, the thinner the better (about 1/4-inch or less is ideal!).

brush + fry

Brush some olive oil on a hot nonstick skillet on the stovetop and coat each dough disc with olive oil. Lay the dough discs on the hot skillet one at a time, fitting as many as you can on the skillet at once without overlapping, and cook over medium heat for about 2 to 3 minutes. They will puff up in places or all over, and there may be some blackish-brown spots on the bottom. That's totally okay! Slide a spatula under the flatbread, flip it, and cook for 1 or 2 more minutes on the other side, just until it finishes puffing up into a balloon and begins to color lightly on top.

cool + serve

Let cool and eat with hummus, like our Perfectly Pumpkin Hummus with Herb Drizzle!

Surprise Ingredient: Yogurt!

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Photo by mama_mia/

Hi! I'm Yogurt!

"I'm a creamy and tangy food, and I'm very versatile! I work with both savory and sweet dishes. I also have less fat and more protein than sour cream, but you can often cook with me in the same way!"

History & Etymology

  • Yogurt's origin is undetermined. The earliest yogurts may have been spontaneously fermented by bacteria on plants or milk-producing animals. Historians believe it may have emerged during the last Stone Age, sometime between 10,000 to 4,500 BCE, when the Neolithic people began domesticating animals. 
  • Ancient Grecians, Romans, and Persians ate a yogurt-like dairy product called "oxygala" (οξύγαλα). They would eat it with honey. These days people often eat plain yogurt with honey, especially Greek yogurt.  
  • Greek yogurt is strained, which eliminates the whey and other liquids, causing it to be thicker and have more tang than regular yogurt. It also has two times the amount of protein. It is called Greek-style yogurt if it is thickened by adding powdered milk or another dry thickener. People with lactose intolerance may have less trouble eating it.
  • In 1916, Isaac Carasso of Barcelona introduced packaged yogurt to Europe. He dubbed it Danone, his son Daniel's nickname.
  • Yogurt with added fruit jam was introduced in 1933 in Prague. Dannon, the North American subsidiary of Danone, produced a fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt in 1947. 
  • The word "yogurt" is from the early 17th century and is derived from the Turkish "yoğurt" (pronounced "yohght"). 

How Is it Made?

  • Yogurt is a fermented dairy product made with milk. The bacteria used to ferment the milk is called the yogurt culture or starter. During fermentation, the lactose (the sugar in milk) is converted into lactic acid, which gives yogurt its tangy flavor and changes the milk protein, resulting in yogurt's texture. 
  • In various parts of the world, yogurt may be made from cow's milk, the most common source, or the milk of camels, goats, sheep, water buffalo, and yaks. 
  • Soy yogurt, a dairy-free alternative, is made from soy milk, which is not an animal product, as it is made from soybeans. 
  • Milk is first heated to about 185 degrees F to kill undesirable bacteria and alter the milk proteins so that they set together rather than form curds. The milk is then cooled to about 113 degrees F. Next, the bacteria culture or starter is added, and the temperature is kept at 86 to 113 degrees F for 6 to 12 hours to allow fermentation. 
  • If mold develops on the yogurt, toss it, as scraping off the top, visibly moldy layer does not entirely remove mold that has seeped into the rest of the yogurt. 

How to Eat It

  • You can eat plain yogurt by itself or with some honey or fruit. You can also buy yogurt that has already been sweetened and with fruit or fruit jam added. 
  • You can add plain yogurt to salad dressings, dips, sauces, and soups. It can add extra tang and richness to meat and poultry dishes in place of sour cream and brings tang and moisture to pancakes, cakes, and other baked goods. A fun way to eat fruit-flavored yogurt is in pies and frozen yogurt popsicles. 


  • Yogurt is rich in protein, vitamins B12 and riboflavin (B2), and the minerals phosphorus and calcium. 
  • Some studies found that eating 80 grams per day of low-fat yogurt was connected with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes and aiding bone health and digestion.

History of Flatbread!

Photo by Carla del Moral/
  • Flatbread was one of the earliest foods produced by humans. Crumbs dated to be over 14,000 years old, found in Jordan, were likely from a flatbread made of grains like wild barley, oats, and wheat. Archaeological evidence has also been found from ancient civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley.
  • Flatbreads generally consist of flour, salt, and water. They can be unleavened or leavened (with yeast or another raising agent) and originally may have been baked on a hot stone and later in clay ovens. Today, flatbreads may be cooked in some type of frying pan, on a griddle, or in an oven.
  • Flatbreads are present in many countries and cultures. They vary slightly and go by different names, including Native American frybread, North American johnnycake, Indian naan, Scottish oatcake, Filipino piaya, Turkish pide, Greek pita, Italian pizza, Salvadoran pupusa, Spanish torta, and Latin American tortilla. We feature many of these in Sticky Fingers Cooking recipes!

THYME for a Laugh

What do you call a roll that loses weight?


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