Kid-friendly Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

Recipe: Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

by Erin Fletter
Photo by Natasha McCone and Kate Bezak
prep time
10 minutes
cook time
2 minutes
1-2 servings

Fun Food Story

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Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

Introducing our Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos—a perfect recipe for celebrating Mother’s Day that kids can make all by themselves with a mugful of fun and flavor. Tracy from Food Wine Sunshine has handpicked this recipe from our collection for its fresh, vibrant ingredients and simple preparation. Iced Mexican Horchata is a refreshing complement to the nachos. Ideal for a breakfast-in-bed that impresses, this recipe is a delightful way to start any Mother’s Day with a taste of Mexico!

Almost every microwavable mug cookbook we’ve seen includes a version of Huevos Rancheros. Up until we started developing mug recipes, we’d never thought of cooking eggs in the microwave. But WOW! We’re believers now, and it took this recipe to get us there. Huevos Rancheros are as well-known and widely adapted in Mexico as pizza is in the United States. Meant to be hearty and comforting, this traditional breakfast was invented to feed and sustain ranchers and farm workers as a late-morning second breakfast. Our method couldn’t be much simpler, using pantry staples like canned beans, salsa, and tortilla chips. And we think it delivers all the comfort and nourishment that the traditional dish was intended to. There are plenty of kid-friendly and engaging activities within this lesson plan: cultural facts, bite-sized language opportunities, and even a pop quiz. The recipe goes fast, so feel free to spread out the time and pepper in short learning opportunities as you go. Buen Provecho, as they say in Spanish: Good appetite, and eat well!

Happy & Healthy Cooking,

Chef Erin, Food-Geek-in-Chief

Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills

  • crack :

    to break open or apart a food to get what's inside, like an egg or a coconut.

  • microwave :

    to heat or cook food or liquid quickly in a microwave oven, which uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to generate heat in the food's water molecules.

  • snip :

    to use scissors to cut something with quick, sharp strokes.

  • tear :

    to pull or rip apart a food, like basil leaves, into pieces instead of cutting with a knife; cutting breaks cell walls more, so herbs can discolor faster.

  • whisk :

    to beat or stir ingredients vigorously with a fork or whisk to mix, blend, or incorporate air.

Equipment Checklist

  • Microwave
  • Microwave-safe mug
  • Potholder or oven mitt
  • Clean kid-friendly scissors
  • Medium mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Can opener
  • Measuring spoons
  • Metal spoon
  • Paper towel or dish towel
  • Cutting board + kid-safe knife
  • Citrus juicer (optional)
  • Fork to mash


Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

  • 1 scallion
  • 1 to 2 fresh cilantro stems with leaves
  • 1 egg **(for EGG ALLERGY sub 1/4 C firm tofu, crumbled)**
  • 2 T mild salsa
  • 1 handful corn tortilla chips, about 8 to 10 chips **(for CORN ALLERGY sub grain-free tortilla chips, like Siete brand, or other corn-free chips)**
  • 1/4 C black or pinto beans
  • 1 pinch cumin
  • 2 pinches salt, divided
  • 1 handful shredded Mexican blend cheese, about 2 T total **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub dairy-free/nut-free cheese shreds, like Daiya brand)**
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1 pinch garlic powder or granulated garlic
  • 1 lime

Food Allergen Substitutions

Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

  • Egg: For 1 egg, substitute 1/4 C firm tofu, crumbled.
  • Corn: Substitute grain-free tortilla chips, like Siete brand, or other corn-free chips.
  • Dairy: Substitute dairy-free/nut-free cheese shreds, like Daiya brand.


Food Wine Sunshine's Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos

snip + tear

Using a clean pair of kid-friendly scissors, snip 1 scallion into tiny bits. Tear the leaves from 1 stem of fresh cilantro. Set both aside.

crack + whisk

Crack and whisk 1 egg into a bowl.


Now count your tortilla chips in Spanish: 1 uno (OOH-no), 2 dos (dose), 3 tres (tress), 4 cuatro (KWAH-troh), 5 cinco (SINK-oh), 6 seis (sayss), 7 siete (see-EH-tay), 8 ocho (OH-choh), 9 nueve (NWEH-vay), 10 diez (DEE-ess).

add + mix + snap

Measure and add 2 tablespoons of salsa to your egg and mix together. Snap 8 to 10 tortilla chips into smaller pieces and mix the chip pieces into the egg and salsa mixture to coat them.

add + mix + pour

To the bottom of your microwavable mug, add 1/4 cup of canned beans (no need to drain beans first). Add the snipped scallion, 1 pinch of cumin, and 1 pinch of salt and mix. Pour in the egg/salsa/chip mixture.

top + cover + microwave

Top with 1 handful of shredded Mexican blend cheese. Cover your mug with a damp paper or dish towel and microwave for 1 minute. Let rest for 30 seconds before microwaving for 1 final minute. Use a potholder to carefully remove the mug from the microwave. Top with a pinch of cilantro leaves and Holy Guacamole (see next step). Let cool before digging in and shouting "Buen provecho" or “Enjoy your meal” in Spanish!

peel + chop + add + mash

Peel and chop 1/2 avocado and add to a bowl along with 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch of garlic powder, and a tiny squeeze of lime juice from 1 lime. Use a fork to mash it all together! Taste and adjust flavors with more salt, garlic, or lime.

Surprise Ingredient: Eggs!

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Photo by Circlephoto/

Hi! I'm an Egg!

"Specifically, I'm a chicken egg! Of course, there are eggs from all sorts of other creatures, but humans primarily eat the eggs of fowls, mostly chickens. Although, they will eat the eggs of ducks, geese, and even ostriches (the same as 24 chicken eggs!). Some people also eat reptile eggs and fish eggs (think caviar!)."


  • Some animals reproduce by laying eggs (or reproductive cells). These animals include fish, reptiles, insects, a few mammals, like the platypus, and birds, including ducks and chickens. 
  • What came first? The chicken or the egg? Were chickens first domesticated for their meat, or were they raised to gather their eggs for food? When early man first began raising chickens sometime before 7500 BCE, it may have been for their eggs. 
  • Eggs used to be carried in baskets. The first egg carton was invented in 1911 by Joseph Coyle, a newspaper editor from British Columbia, Canada, to solve a dispute involving broken eggs delivered in a basket. His design was improved upon in 1921 by Morris Koppelman, and then in 1931, Francis H Sherman of Massachusetts developed a carton from pressed paper pulp similar to what we use today. Egg cartons can hold 12, 18, or 30 eggs.
  • The white Leghorn chicken is commonly used for laying white eggs, and the Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire Red breeds, both reddish brown, are the primary sources of brown eggs.
  • The brown-colored egg tends to be more expensive than its white counterpart, usually because the hens laying brown eggs are larger and eat more feed, increasing costs to the farm. Other than color, there is no difference between a white and brown egg.


  • Chicken eggs contain a yellow yolk, semi-transparent white, and an outer protective shell. A membrane (film layer) lines the eggshell; however, it is usually not visible unless you peel a boiled egg.  
  • The egg yolk provides the most nutrients for a developing embryo because it has more protein than the white. The yolk also contains all the fat and more vitamins, especially fat-soluble vitamins.
  • The egg white or albumen is about 90 percent water and contains no fat or cholesterol. It protects the yolk and is also a source of protein and a few vitamins for an embryo.
  • Chicken eggshell membranes can be used as a dietary supplement. The membranes are made up mostly of fibrous collagen type 1 fibers. 
  • According to the USDA, the eggshell comprises about 94 percent calcium carbonate and some additional elements, including protein. The calcium carbonate from eggshells is used as a dietary calcium supplement for people who do not get enough calcium from their food. 
  • There are 7 to 17,000 tiny pores on the shell surface, with a greater number at the large end. As the egg ages, these minute holes permit moisture and carbon dioxide to move out and air to move in to form the air cell. The egg can also absorb refrigerator odors through the pores, so always refrigerate eggs in their cartons.

How to Buy & Eat

  • You can buy eggs from farm stands and at grocery stores. Always open the lid of a carton and check the eggs you want to purchase to avoid buying eggs with cracked or broken eggshells that would have to be thrown away. Any bacteria present on the eggshell could enter through a crack and contaminate the egg inside.
  • Aside from their color, brown and white eggs are the same in every way, including taste and nutrition, so choose eggs based on price and quality, not on color. 
  • The three grades of eggs that determine the quality of the egg and condition of the shell are: Grade AA, A, and B. According to the USDA, Grade AA eggs have thick and firm whites and yolks that are high, round, and practically free from defects, with clean, unbroken shells. Grade AA and A eggs are preferred when frying or poaching. You would seldom find Grade B eggs in stores because they are mostly used to make liquid, frozen, and dried egg products. 
  • Various types of eggs are available at the grocery store, and some are more expensive than others. These include eggs from hens raised outside a cage but not necessarily outdoors (cage-free) or allowed to roam free outdoors in a pasture (pasture-raised). 
  • Eggs contain some omega-3 fatty acids, but eggs labeled as high in omega-3 fatty acids have more due to flaxseed or fish oil being added to the hens' diets. Other eggs are labeled "organic" if the hens are not raised in a cage, can access the outdoors, are fed organic feed, and are not given hormones or antibiotics. "Vegetarian" eggs are from hens that do not eat feed containing animal by-products. 
  • Store eggs in the refrigerator to keep them fresher, as they will age faster at room temperature.
  • Eggs are available year-round to provide delicious meals on their own and as an essential ingredient for the many baked goods and sauces that would never be the same without them.
  • Eggs are enormously versatile. The chef's hat, called a "toque" (pronounced "tōk"), is said to have a pleat for each of the many ways you can cook eggs.
  • You can tell whether an egg is raw or hard-boiled by spinning it. Because the liquids have set into a solid, a hard-boiled egg will easily spin. On the other hand, the moving fluids in a raw egg will cause it to wobble.
  • Whole eggs are eaten soft or hard-boiled, fried, or poached, or they are added to cake and other batters. Egg yolks are used in pasta, sauces, fruit curds, crème brûlée, and ice cream. Egg whites are part of meringues, angel food cakes, French macarons, and coconut macaroons. You can also use whipped egg whites to leaven (raise) a cake.  


  • A large, boiled egg is a good source of low-cost, high-quality protein, providing 12.6 grams with only 78 calories. 
  • Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and riboflavin (B2) and supply varying amounts of many other nutrients, including a wide variety of other vitamins and minerals. In addition, the yolk contains a higher percentage of an egg's vitamins than the white, including all of the vitamins A, D, E, and K. 
  • Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. They also have choline. This essential nutrient benefits your brain, nervous system, liver function, and cardiovascular system.
  • Some people have an allergy or food intolerance to eggs, especially egg whites. It is one of the most common allergies in babies but is often outgrown during childhood.

What are Huevos Rancheros?

Photo by Guajillo studio/
  • Huevos rancheros means “Rancher’s Eggs” in Spanish. This comforting dish was served to ranch hands and farm workers as their second breakfast after their early morning chores. When you work on a farm, you have to wake up well before sunrise to feed the animals, milk the goats and cows, and do other important chores.
  • Huevos rancheros are as popular in Mexico as pizza is in the United States. The basic version of huevos rancheros, made of fried corn tortillas and fried or scrambled eggs with a tomato chili sauce, has many variations. In our Holy Guacamole Huevos Rancheros Mug (and Fork) Nachos (see recipe), we use corn tortilla chips and include guacamole, beans, and scallions!
  • Huevos rancheros are colored like the Mexican flag. It’s hard to see this in a mug recipe. However, when the dish is served on a plate, you can see the red, white, and green of the flag in the tomato sauce (red), egg (white), and cilantro (green)!

Let's Learn About Mexico!

Photo by Alena Darmel
  • Officially, Mexico's name is "The United Mexican States." It is one of several countries and territories in North America, including Canada and the United States of America.
  • Spanish is Mexico's national language, and Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Mexican people didn't always speak Spanish, though. For thousands of years, Native Americans lived there and built great cities. The people had advanced language, education, and calendar systems, and they had very clever ways of raising food. Mexico is also the country with the largest number of native American speakers in North America. 
  • The capital of Mexico is Mexico City. Mexican legend says that Aztec leaders were told to build their great city of Tenochtitlan at the site where they saw an eagle sitting on a nopal cactus with a snake in its beak. That image is in the center of Mexico's flag. The Aztecs built their city on an island in the middle of a lake. The ruins of Tenochtitlan are at the center of Mexico City and still sit on top of a lake! As water is pumped out to serve the needs of the city's growing population, the city has been sinking at a rate of 6 to 8 inches per year.  
  • Indigenous Mexican people included the Aztecs in the central interior of the country, the Mayans of the Yucatan peninsula, and the Zapotec of the south. Spanish explorers landed in Mexico in the early 1500s, and they ruled Mexico for over 300 years. During this time of colonization, Mexico's Mesoamerican civilizations mixed with European culture.
  • Before the arrival of Spaniards, native Mexican food primarily consisted of corn, beans, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, and herbs. Indigenous people occasionally hunted and added wild turkey, rabbit, deer, and quail to their largely vegetarian diets. Native royalty sipped chocolate drinks. Europeans introduced cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens, sugarcane, and wheat to Mexico upon their arrival. 
  • Mexican cuisine uses chili peppers to give it its distinct flavor. Jalapeños, poblanos, and serrano peppers are commonly used in Mexican dishes. Dishes that include mole, a sauce made of dark chocolate, chili peppers, cinnamon, and other spices, may be served on special occasions, such as Día de los Muertos. 

What is it like to be a kid in Mexico?

  • Mexican children may live near the ocean or the gulf, in the desert, or in the mountains. 
  • Kids often live with extended family, including grandparents. Their full names include their father's and their mother's.
  • Most kids speak Spanish, but Mexico also recognizes 68 native languages. 
  • They attend school from September through June. Large schools have two shifts—one group in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students are usually required to wear uniforms. 
  • They may play soccer, baseball, and other sports. Jumping rope and other outdoor games are very popular. They might play a game similar to bingo called Lotería. It is played with picture cards and songs. 
  • Corn tortillas are a staple for kids, along with beans and rice. Dishes that include mole, a sauce often made of dark chocolate, chili peppers, cinnamon, and other spices, may be served on special occasions. 
  • A popular family holiday is Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a celebration to remember and honor a family's ancestors. Family members decorate the graves of their relatives who have passed on. Typical foods served for this holiday include empanadas, tamales, pan de muertos (a sweet bread in which a ring with a tiny plastic skeleton is hidden), and calaveras de azucar (sugar candy skulls). 

The Yolk's On You

What do you say to an avocado who’s done a good job?


The Yolk's On You

What did the tortilla say to the avocado when the dip bowl was empty? 

“We’ve hit guac bottom!”

Lettuce Joke Around

What do you call a hen who can count her own eggs?

A mathmachicken! 

That's Berry Funny

What did the egg say to the other egg?

"Let's get cracking!"

Lettuce Joke Around

What did the chicken say when it laid a square egg? 


THYME for a Laugh

What did the avocado say to the fork? 

"You guac my world."

Lettuce Joke Around

What type of chips do you eat with your BFF? 


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