Iced Butternut Squash Licuado

Iced Butternut Squash Licuado
Don’t knock it ’til you try it! The unexpected star ingredient—butternut squash—yields a drink so velvety smooth and subtly sweet you’ll wonder why you never had one!
Happy & Healthy Cooking,
Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills
- blend :
to stir together two or more ingredients until just combined; blending is a gentler process than mixing.
- measure :
to calculate the specific amount of an ingredient required using a measuring tool (like measuring cups or spoons).
Equipment Checklist
- Blender (or pitcher + immersion blender)
- Liquid measuring cup
- Dry measuring cups
Iced Butternut Squash Licuado
- 3 C milk **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub 3 C dairy-free/nut-free milk)**
- 1 C diced frozen butternut squash or 1/2 15-oz can butternut squash purée
- 1/3 C sugar (brown, white, honey, or molasses are all great)
- 1 C ice
Food Allergen Substitutions
Iced Butternut Squash Licuado
- Dairy: Substitute dairy-free/nut-free milk.
Iced Butternut Squash Licuado
A "licuado" (lee-KWAW-doh) is the Latin American version of a smoothie. Instead of fruit juices, yogurt, or ice cream, a "licuado" is made with milk. This Butternut Squash Licuado is a refreshing fall concoction that will leave you shocked that butternut squash can make a tasty drink.
measure + blend
Measure and add the following ingredients to your blender: 3 cups milk, 1 cup diced frozen butternut squash (or 1/2 can butternut squash purée), and 1/3 cup sugar. Blend until smooth.
Serve poured over ice or serve as is! Salud!

Hi! I'm Butternut Squash!
"I've got a long neck with a rather bulbous end—like a bell or bottle! I'm related to the pumpkin, and in Australia, they call me a butternut pumpkin!"
History & Etymology
- Squash are one of the oldest known crops—10,000 years by some estimates of sites in Mexico. All squash is native to North America, but the butternut variety didn't exist until the 1940s, when Charles Leggett, a Massachusetts man, crossed a pumpkin with a gooseneck squash.
- "Squash" comes from the mid-17th century Narragansett word "askutasquash"), which means "eaten raw or uncooked." This squash is called "butternut" because of its nutty flavor.
- Botanically, butternut squash is a fruit and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family that includes cucumbers, honeydew melons, pumpkins, watermelons, and zucchini. However, as food, it is used as a vegetable.
- Butternut squash is a type of winter squash that grows on a vine, and when ready for harvest, they have a hard tan skin that you can't pierce with a fingernail, yellow-orange flesh that gets more orange when ripe, and a hollow seed cavity with edible seeds.
How to Pick, Buy, & Eat
- Winter squash are cured for the best flavor, as their natural sugars have a chance to concentrate. They are picked with part of their stem left on, then left in the sun, and kept dry for about 7 to 14 days. (Although, they can also be cured indoors.) Their skin hardens as they sit, allowing them to last longer in storage.
- Butternut squash is seasonal, and in the US, the best time to buy ripe local squash is September through October.
- Look for butternut squash with a solid beige color without deep cuts or bruises. A little surface scratching and marks from where it sat on the ground are acceptable. Select one that feels heavy for its size and leave any with brown spots or punctures, as bacteria and mold could develop.
- Store butternut squash in a cool, dark place in your kitchen, and it will keep for 2 to 3 months—it does not need to be refrigerated.
- Its unique flavor can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. You can cook it in various ways: roasted, grilled, steamed, or puréed. It is a side dish or an ingredient for soup, pasta, dips, salads, desserts, and more.
- In South Africa, cooks use butternut squash to make soup, or they grill it whole, seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg or stuffed with spinach and feta and wrapped in foil.
- The skin is edible if softened during roasting. Roasted butternut squash seeds can be eaten as a nutritious snack, just like pumpkin seeds, or their oil can be pressed for cooking or salad dressings.
- Butternut squash is a good source of soluble fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. It has more vitamin A than that of a pumpkin. It is high in water content and very low in calories: one serving is just 45 calories!
- Butternut squash has natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and is good for your skin and eyesight.
What are Licuados?

- A licuado (lee-KWAW-doh) is the Latin American version of a smoothie. Instead of fruit juices, yogurt, or ice cream, a licuado is made with milk blended with fruit, like bananas, berries, mangoes, or papayas. They may also include cinnamon, vanilla, sugar, and ice.
- The Spanish word "licuado" translates to "smoothie" in English. It can also mean "blended" or "milkshake."
- Licuados came to the United States in the 1990s with Latin American immigrants. They are popular in California due to its large Hispanic population. They are even highlighted on the Real California Milk website!
- You can also substitute dairy-free milk for dairy milk if you have a dairy allergy. For example, coconut milk pairs well with pineapple for a "piña licuado!"
Let's Learn About Mexico!

- Officially, Mexico's name is "The United Mexican States." It is one of several countries and territories in North America, including Canada and the United States of America.
- Spanish is Mexico's national language, and Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Mexican people didn't always speak Spanish, though. For thousands of years, Native Americans lived there and built great cities. The people had advanced language, education, and calendar systems, and they had very clever ways of raising food. Mexico is also the country with the largest number of native American speakers in North America.
- The capital of Mexico is Mexico City. Mexican legend says that Aztec leaders were told to build their great city of Tenochtitlan at the site where they saw an eagle sitting on a nopal cactus with a snake in its beak. That image is in the center of Mexico's flag. The Aztecs built their city on an island in the middle of a lake. The ruins of Tenochtitlan are at the center of Mexico City and still sit on top of a lake! As water is pumped out to serve the needs of the city's growing population, the city has been sinking at a rate of 6 to 8 inches per year.
- Indigenous Mexican people included the Aztecs in the central interior of the country, the Mayans of the Yucatan peninsula, and the Zapotec of the south. Spanish explorers landed in Mexico in the early 1500s, and they ruled Mexico for over 300 years. During this time of colonization, Mexico's Mesoamerican civilizations mixed with European culture.
- Before the arrival of Spaniards, native Mexican food primarily consisted of corn, beans, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, and herbs. Indigenous people occasionally hunted and added wild turkey, rabbit, deer, and quail to their largely vegetarian diets. Native royalty sipped chocolate drinks. Europeans introduced cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens, sugarcane, and wheat to Mexico upon their arrival.
- Mexican cuisine uses chili peppers to give it its distinct flavor. Jalapeños, poblanos, and serrano peppers are commonly used in Mexican dishes. Dishes that include mole, a sauce made of dark chocolate, chili peppers, cinnamon, and other spices, may be served on special occasions, such as Día de los Muertos.
What is it like to be a kid in Mexico?
- Mexican children may live near the ocean or the gulf, in the desert, or in the mountains.
- Kids often live with extended family, including grandparents. Their full names include their father's and their mother's.
- Most kids speak Spanish, but Mexico also recognizes 68 native languages.
- They attend school from September through June. Large schools have two shifts—one group in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students are usually required to wear uniforms.
- They may play soccer, baseball, and other sports. Jumping rope and other outdoor games are very popular. They might play a game similar to bingo called Lotería. It is played with picture cards and songs.
- Corn tortillas are a staple for kids, along with beans and rice. Dishes that include mole, a sauce often made of dark chocolate, chili peppers, cinnamon, and other spices, may be served on special occasions.
- A popular family holiday is Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a celebration to remember and honor a family's ancestors. Family members decorate the graves of their relatives who have passed on. Typical foods served for this holiday include empanadas, tamales, pan de muertos (a sweet bread in which a ring with a tiny plastic skeleton is hidden), and calaveras de azucar (sugar candy skulls).