Kid-friendly French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins

Recipe: French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins

French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins

by Dylan Sabuco
Photo by Alena_Kos/
prep time
30 minutes
cook time
5 minutes
4-6 servings

Fun Food Story

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French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins

Chef Dylan, the author of this recipe, is no newcomer to cooking. In fact, during high school, Dylan ran a cake-making business out of his childhood home. He mostly made cookie cakes and other specialty cakes. Then one day, a client came to him with a wild request: she needed dairy-free truffles for a potato-and-chocolate-themed party. Go figure! She hired young Dylan to concoct a batch of truffles using only potatoes and chocolate! The resulting dessert bites were as cute as bonbons and as rich and delicious as brownies! And that experience inspired the recipe for these dairy-free French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles!

Happy & Healthy Cooking,

Chef Erin, Food-Geek-in-Chief

Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills

  • coat :

    to apply a covering of flour, breadcrumbs, oil, sauce, or batter to food before baking or frying.

  • measure :

    to calculate the specific amount of an ingredient required using a measuring tool (like measuring cups or spoons).

  • melt :

    to heat a solid food so it becomes liquid, like butter or chocolate.

  • mix :

    to thoroughly combine two or more ingredients until uniform in texture.

  • roll :

    to use a rolling pin to flatten dough; use your hands to form a roll or ball shape; or move a round food, like a grape or a meatball, through another food, like sugar or breadcrumbs, to coat it.

Equipment Checklist

  • Large mixing bowl
  • Can opener
  • Dry measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Cutting board
  • Small saucepan
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Bowl(s) (for toppings)
  • Teaspoon(s)


French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins

  • 1 can sweet potato purée (if unavailable, sub 1 can pumpkin purée + 2 T brown sugar)
  • 3/4 C (or more) cocoa powder (dark or milk, your choice)
  • 1 6-oz bag chocolate chips (milk, semi-sweet, or dark—your choice) **(for NUT/DAIRY/SOY ALLERGY use Enjoy Life chocolate chips)**
  • 1/4 C water or honey (to keep on hand if needed)
  • ROLL-INS (pick 2 to 3 or as many as you like within your budget):
  • 2 T coconut flakes
  • 1 T cinnamon + 2 T white sugar
  • 1 T fresh mint, chopped finely
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 C freeze-dried fruit (banana, raspberry, strawberry)
  • 1/4 C crushed potato chips **(SFC is Nut-Free, so avoid chips with peanut oil, esp. for NUT ALLERGY/also avoid chips with soy for SOY ALLERGY)**
  • 1/4 C crushed pretzel sticks **(for GLUTEN ALLERGY sub gluten-free pretzel sticks)**
  • 1/4 C powdered sugar
  • 1/4 C cocoa powder

Food Allergen Substitutions

French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins

Dairy: Use Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips in Truffles.

Nut: SFC is always Nut-Free! Use Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips in Truffles. Use peanut oil-free potato chips for optional topping in Truffles.

Soy: Use Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips in Truffles. Use soy-free potato chips for optional topping in Truffles.

Gluten: Use gluten-free pretzel sticks for optional topping in Truffles.


French Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles with Kid Chef-Created Surprise Roll-ins


"Bonjour!" (Welcome! in French.) Truffles are a tasty chocolate candy made from cocoa, sugar, and butter typically. Our recipe will turn that classic on its head by using mashed sweet potatoes as the base. On top of that everyone will get to make their own unique truffle by topping it with any (or all) of the toppings listed above.

measure + mix

Measure and combine 1 can sweet potato purée and 3/4 cup cocoa powder in a large mixing bowl and stir until all the cocoa is fully incorporated. This mixture will become a thick, fudgy dough. You should be able to scoop a ball of dough out with your hands and roll it into a smooth truffle shape without the dough completely sticking to your hands.

recipe note

Please note that depending on your region’s humidity or temperature of your kitchen you may need to add a few more tablespoons of cocoa powder to achieve a workable consistency for your truffle dough.

adjust + roll

You can adjust the consistency of the dough by adding additional cocoa powder. Once the consistency is just right, divide the dough into 1 tablespoon-sized scoops. Roll all the dough into smooth balls and lay them onto a plate or cutting board. Then, transfer the truffle balls to the refrigerator while you prepare the toppings.

measure + melt

Pour 1 bag of chocolate chips into a small saucepan and turn the heat to low. In a small bowl, measure 1/4 cup water and keep it on standby in case you need to add a splash to your chocolate. Stir the chocolate chips until they melt. Once the chocolate is smooth and shiny, pour it into a small bowl.

chocolate 911

Chocolate can be tricky, so be sure to bring some honey to help correct any mistakes. If you overheat chocolate, it becomes lumpy and less than desirable. If this happens, add a bit of honey and stir to bring back the original texture.

coat + sprinkle

Remove the truffles from the refrigerator. Prepare a separate bowl with your chosen toppings (or multiple bowls for lots of different toppings!) Roll each truffle in the chocolate using a spoon to move the truffle around in the chocolate, so that it is thoroughly coated. Place the still wet truffle onto a tray, plate, or cutting board and sprinkle a teaspoon-sized spoonful of your chosen toppings onto the truffle.

cool + enjoy

Chill these sweet potato treats in the refrigerator until you are ready to enjoy them! They are perfect as a dessert tray for any holiday party!

Surprise Ingredient: Sweet Potato!

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Photo by yamasan0708/

Hi!  I’m Sweet Potato!

"Sweet potatoes are root vegetables, like beets and carrots! We're very popular in the Fall, especially for holiday dinners, where you might find us baked whole or sliced and diced as part of a side dish. We also pair well with fruit and other vegetables in salads and casseroles."


  • The sweet potato originated in Central or South America, and people began cultivating them in Central America at least 5,000 years ago. 
  • Sweet potatoes have been grown in Peru for almost 3,000 years and remain one of the major crops for people in Peru.
  • When Columbus arrived in the New World, Native Americans were already growing and utilizing sweet potatoes. Columbus brought sweet potatoes back to Europe, and other explorers brought them from the New World to Asia.
  • Sweet potatoes were cultivated widely in Colonial America and were a significant form of sustenance for farmers and soldiers during the Revolutionary War.
  • As far as records show, orange sweet potatoes originally came from Puerto Rico and were named "yams" by Louisiana farmers to differentiate them from the white-fleshed variety grown in other parts of the country. Indeed, the sweet potato is officially the state vegetable of Louisiana! It's also North Carolina's official state vegetable.
  • George Washington grew sweet potatoes on his estate at Mount Vernon, Virginia.
  • North American supermarkets import much of their sweet potatoes from the Caribbean.
  • February is National Sweet Potato month!

Anatomy & Etymology

  • Sweet potatoes are edible roots, not tubers like potatoes. Actually, sweet potatoes aren't related to potatoes but are part of the Morning Glory family. Plants from this family produce beautiful flowers whose seeds were revered for their laxative properties by the Chinese.
  • The flesh of sweet potatoes can be white, yellow, orange, or even purple! 
  • Enslaved African-Аmericans called the sweet potato "nyami" because it reminded them of the starchy, edible tuber from their homeland. "Nyami" is a Senegalese word that was eventually shortened to "yam." Sweet potatoes are often confused with yams, and this is why!

How to Pick, Buy, & Eat

  • Sweet potatoes are eaten by people worldwide as they are a hearty crop that packs a lot of nutrition.
  • It's best to store sweet potatoes in cool, dark, and dry places. They won't last as long in the fridge. 
  • Small, firm sweet potatoes tend to be sweeter and creamier. Large sweet potatoes contain more starch, as they've had more time to grow and develop the starches. Look for smooth, firm, even skin.
  • Sweet potatoes should be cooked, not eaten raw. You can use them in many savory and sweet recipes.
  • Sweet potatoes make an excellent side dish—you can bake, mash, or boil them—and their nutritional benefits are increased when combined with healthy fats, like avocado, butter, or olive oil!
  • If they had their say, sweet potatoes might like to be known as everyday veggies rather than just for special occasions. For example, we in the United States eat more sweet potatoes around Thanksgiving than at any other time. But sweet potatoes are available year-round and should be enjoyed more often because of their benefits!


  • Sweet potatoes are very nutritious! Their color can tell us which nutrients they contain (like many vegetables and fruits!). 
  • If a sweet potato is orange, it contains beta-carotene (other orange foods that contain this nutrient include carrots, shrimp, and oranges). Can you hear the name of a familiar vegetable in the word "beta-carotene?" Carrot! We know that beta-carotene is good for our eyes and skin. Have you ever been asked to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes? Beta-carotene is why! 
  • Sweet potatoes also have vitamin K, which helps our blood clot. When we get a cut, our blood clots to stop the bleeding, and vitamin K helps with this!
  • We often talk about fiber when we reveal our Surprise Ingredients because vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber. Sweet potatoes are no exception. So what does fiber help with? Digestion! And which body parts are responsible for digestion? Many, but namely our stomach and intestines.

History of Chocolate Truffles!

Photo by Sergii Koval/
  • Chocolate truffles may have been created when an apprentice to French chef Auguste Escoffier, sometime between 1898 and 1920, mistakenly poured hot cream into a bowl of chocolate instead of a bowl with an egg and sugar mixture to make pastry cream. Escoffier discovered he could shape the chocolate and cream mixture into balls after it cooled and then coat them with cocoa powder. The resulting confections were named "truffles" after the black truffle, a tuber type of fungus considered a delicacy in haute cuisine. 
  • Chocolate truffles are made with "ganache" (guh-Nosh), a whipped filling of chocolate and cream. Chilled ganache is shaped into balls or squares, which can be coated in cocoa powder, nut powder, melted chocolate (that hardens), coconut, or chocolate sprinkles. Truffles can be made from milk, semi-sweet, dark, or white chocolate.

Let's Learn About France!

Photo by Alliance Images/
  • Bonjour (hello)! Bienvenue en (welcome to) France and the spectacular Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and ancient Roman ruins in the Provence region.
  • France is a European country, and its official name is the French Republic. The capital city is Paris, which also has the most people. 
  • France's land area is 248,573 square miles. That is almost the size of the US state of Texas! The number of people in France is 67,874,000, about 43 percent more than in Texas.
  • The official and national language is French, which is also the official language in 12 other countries, and a co-official language in 16 countries, including Canada. 
  • France's government consists of a president, a prime minister, and a parliament and is divided into regions and departments rather than states and counties.
  • The French have a well-known motto, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
  • In addition to the Eiffel Tower, France is known for the Louvre, the most visited art museum worldwide (the Mona Lisa resides there), the Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the French Riviera (Côte d'Azur) in southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast.
  • France is famous for the "beaux-arts" (fine arts). Paris is still home to many artists and great painters, artisans, and sculptors. Great literature came from French authors, such as Victor Hugo's novels Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  • Paris has two popular nicknames. The most common is "The City of Light" (La Ville Lumière), which came about because Paris was the first European city to implement street lighting in 1860, lighting up the city with 56,000 gas street lamps. The second is "The City of Love," (La Ville de L'amour). This name is probably due to Paris being considered one of the most romantic cities in the world and the high number of marriage proposals at the Eiffel Tower!
  • French cuisine is known for its freshness and high quality. Many of the world's greatest pastries originated in France, such as the croissant, eclair, and macaron!
  • Other French foods are escargot (snails!), baguette (bread), ratatouille (roasted tomato, zucchini, and eggplant—remember the movie?!), and crepes (very thin pancakes).

What's It Like to Be a Kid in France?

  • Most kids start school (preschool) at around age three. Depending on the area and the school, students go to school 4 to 5 days a week. They often get a 1½-hour lunch break, and some kids go home for lunch. 
  • Dinner is served at 7:30 pm or later, so afternoon snacks are essential. "Le goûter" (goo-tay), or afternoon tea, often includes a "tartine," a slice of bread topped with something sweet or savory (like cheese, butter and jam, or Nutella). Other popular snacks are yogurt, fromage blanc (white cheese), and fruit. 
  • Popular sports for kids are soccer, bicycling, and tennis.
  • There are several parks in France, in and around Paris. Napoleon III even designed one of them, the Bois de Boulogne, where you can find beautiful gardens, lakes, a zoo, an amusement park, and two horse racing tracks. In addition, kids can go on pony rides, play mini-golf, and race remote control boats at many public parks.  
  • Of course, kids can also go to the most popular theme park in Europe, Disneyland Paris, which opened in 1992. While there, kids can go on a ride unique to Disneyland Paris: Ratatouille: The Adventure!

THYME for a Laugh

What do you say to an angry sweet potato? 

Anything, just butter him up first.

Lettuce Joke Around

Why do sweet potatoes make good detectives? 

Because they keep their eyes peeled.

THYME for a Laugh

Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm? 

Because the sweet potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears.

That's Berry Funny

What do you call a baby sweet potato? 

A small fry!

That's Berry Funny

What do you call a sweet potato who spends a lot of time sitting and thinking?


THYME for a Laugh

What do you call a sweet potato that is never motivated, but is content to watch others? 


The Yolk's On You

What do you call a sweet potato that is reluctant to jump into boiling water? 

Hez A Tator

Lettuce Joke Around

How do you describe an angry sweet potato? 

Boiling Mad.

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