Kid-friendly Minty Kale Pesto Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: Minty Kale Pesto

Recipe: Minty Kale Pesto

Minty Kale Pesto

by Erin Fletter
Photo by Grazyna Kownacka/
prep time
10 minutes
cook time
4-6 servings

Fun Food Story

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Minty Kale Pesto

Pesto (in all its green, tangy, nutty deliciousness) is an Italian favorite. The sauce is often made in the original way, with a mortar and pestle, which crushes the typical ingredients of basil, garlic, olive oil, grated Parmigiano cheese, and pine nuts together into a paste. The word "pesto" comes from the Italian word "pestare," meaning "to crush." 

Our Minty Kale Pesto uses kale and mint to replace the basil and sunflower seeds instead of the pine nuts and a food processor or blender instead of a mortar and pestle. However, if you have a mortar and pestle and want to make it the traditional way, feel free to put some muscle into making your pesto!

Happy & Healthy Cooking,

Chef Erin, Food-Geek-in-Chief

Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills

  • blend :

    to stir together two or more ingredients until just combined; blending is a gentler process than mixing.

  • chop :

    to cut something into small, rough pieces using a blade.

  • juice :

    to extract or squeeze out the juice of a fruit or vegetable, like a lemon, orange, or carrot, often cutting open or peeling the fruit or veggie first to access its flesh.

  • knife skills :

    Bear Claw (growl), Pinch, Plank, and Bridge (look out for trolls)

Equipment Checklist

  • Food processor or blender (or medium mixing bowl + immersion blender)
  • Cutting board
  • Kid-safe knife
  • Citrus squeezer (optional)
  • Measuring spoons
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Wooden spoon


Minty Kale Pesto

  • 1/4 C sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 C fresh kale
  • 4 to 8 fresh mint leaves
  • 1/4 C shredded Parmesan cheese **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub dairy-free/nut-free shredded Parmesan OR nutritional yeast)**
  • 1/4 C olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp salt

Food Allergen Substitutions

Minty Kale Pesto

  • Dairy: Substitute dairy-free/nut-free shredded Parmesan OR nutritional yeast for shredded Parmesan cheese.


Minty Kale Pesto


Pesto is a sauce usually served with pasta and made with basil leaves, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese. However, it can also be made with different herbs and greens and without nuts. Our recipe today includes kale, mint, and sunflower seeds!

chop + combine

Chop up 1/2 cup kale, 1 garlic clove, and 4 to 8 mint leaves and add them to a food processor, blender, or a medium bowl (for use with an immersion blender).

juice + measure

Squeeze 1 teaspoon lemon juice into the kale, then measure and add 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 cup sunflower seeds.

blend + stir

Blend until smooth. Stir in 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Taste and adjust flavor, adding more salt if needed. Add the Minty Kale Pesto to pasta or gnocchi, like our Butternut Squash Gnocchi, and toss together.

Surprise Ingredient: Kale!

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Photo by Roy Harris/ (Lacinato Kale, also called Tuscan or Dinosaur Kale)

Hi! I’m Kale!

"I'm a very healthy type of cabbage with dark green or purple leaves. Did you know that massaging my leaves with olive oil and salt makes them more tender? This is especially nice if you're eating them raw in a salad. Search, and you shall find a recipe for just about anything made from kale, even kale cupcakes!"


  • Kale may be experiencing an explosion in popularity over the past several years, but did you know that kale is an Old World staple in many countries worldwide, including Scotland, Kenya, Denmark, Italy, and Portugal? It's true. People have been enjoying kale for at least 2,000 years.  
  • People in the Mediterranean area were the first to cultivate kale. They called it cabbage back in the day. In Roman times, cabbage was a significant crop and became a staple for peasants in the Middle Ages.  
  • Kale made its way to the United States from England 400 years ago in the 17th century.  
  • Despite its longstanding popularity all over the globe, the average American eats only two to three cups of kale per year. Check out how much kale you will eat today in our recipes!
  • Kale used to be called "peasant's cabbage," probably because it grew so abundantly. The modern name "kale" came from the Scottish word for the plant: "kail." In Scotland, in the 14th century, small gardens were known as "kailyards" because they grew so much kale.
  • In Ireland, years ago, on Halloween, single women and men would pull up kale stalks to predict the future of their love lives and wealth.

Anatomy & Etymology

  • Holy Kale! There are over fifty varieties of kale, even though we only see about three in the grocery stores! This limited supply is due to several types being inedible. Some are rather coarse, bitter, and indigestible.
  • Ornamental Kale comes in many colors, including pink and white.
  • Kale leaves can be curly or straight, thin, and scalloped. Lacinato kale is popular because it is mild, and its thinner leaves are more tender than other types of Kale. Other names for Lacinato kale are Tuscan and Dinosaur (or Dino)!
  • Leaves can be either purple or green. Purple leaves have a slightly different nutrient content than green leaves, but both are nutritious.
  • Kale is part of the Cruciferous family of vegetables because of the shape of its flowers. Taste a piece of raw kale. Does it taste like anything you've eaten before? Other vegetables in this family include Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower—maybe kale tastes similar to one of these veggies!
  • Some kale varieties can reach up to 17 or 18 feet tall!
  • The word "kale" came from the Northern Middle English word for cabbage, "cale" (compare Scots "kail"), from Latin "caulis." 

How to Pick, Buy, & Eat

  • Kale prefers to grow in cold weather, but it can be grown during any season and in most climates. Kale grown and picked during the winter actually tastes sweeter! That's because kale reacts to frost by producing sugars.
  • Kale is harvested when leaves have grown to at least 12 inches long. Each leaf is picked individually by snapping the leaf off close to the stalk.
  • When shopping for kale, look for deep green leaves, unless it's the purple variety.
  • Before eating kale, wash each leaf under cold running water, as a lot of dirt hides at the bottom of the stalks.
  • Kale is super versatile. It can be braised, steamed, roasted into chips, dehydrated, blended raw into smoothies, added to soups, sliced and added to salads, or juiced. 
  • In Japan, kale is dried, ground into powder, and added to drinks.


  • Kale is the Superhero of Vegetables. It has many antioxidants and vitamins that help keep us healthy, smart, strong, and feeling good.
  • Kale contains an incredible array of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, K, and C, calcium, and fiber.
  • Remember what fiber does? It helps our digestion! Our intestines depend on fiber to work well and help us absorb the nutrients we need from our food (and get rid of what we don't!).
  • Kale contains over 45 different compounds that have been proven to fight cancer.
  • Because of an essential fatty acid in kale, called alpha-linolenic acid (or ALA), eating it may help prevent heart disease and stroke. Other foods high in ALA include avocados, navy beans, and edamame (soybeans).
  • The vitamins A and K in kale will be absorbed better if you eat it with a healthy fat, like avocado, olive oil, cheese, or olives.
  • Kale contains lutein, which is good for our eyes and vision. Lutein also helps kale retain its beautiful deep green color.
  • Kale includes more vitamin C than an orange and more calcium than milk!


Let's Learn About Italy!

Photo by Marina Andrejchenko/
  • Italy became a unified country in 1861, only 150 years ago. It is sometimes called "bel paese" or "beautiful country."  
  • Italians invented the piano and the thermometer! 
  • In ancient Roman mythology, two twin brothers named Romulus and Remus founded Rome, Italy's capital city. The myth says the twins were abandoned and then discovered by a she-wolf before being found and raised by a shepherd and his wife. Eventually (and after many exciting adventures), they found themselves at the location of Palatine Hill, where Romulus built "Roma." The Italian wolf became Italy's unofficial national animal. 
  • In the 1930s and 40s, Mussolini, Italy's prime minister, and dictator tried to eliminate all foreign words from the Italian language. How did he do that? He just changed them! For example, in soccer, "goal" became "meta." Disney character names changed, too: Donald Duck became "Paperino;" Mickey Mouse became "Topolino;" and Goofy became "Pippo." Although they're not banned anymore, these words and names have stuck. So now if you go to the Italian Disneyland, called Gardaland Park, you will see Topolino and Pippo! 
  • About 60 million people call Italy home, and it is 116,350 square miles, slightly larger than the US state of Arizona. If you compare that to the United Kingdom, 67 million people live there, and it is about 94,350 square miles. So, the UK is smaller than Italy but has a bigger population! 
  • The Italian flag is green, white, and red. These colors represent hope, faith, and charity.
  • The average Italian eats close to 55 pounds of pasta annually. If you think about how light pasta is, that is a considerable amount! There are more than 500 different types of pasta eaten in Italy today. 

What's It Like to Be a Kid in Italy?

  • Kids begin school at 6 years old. They grow up speaking Italian, but they learn English in school, so many become bilingual in Italian and English.
  • The most popular sport for kids is football (soccer). The Italian word for soccer is "calcio," the same word they use for "kick." A favorite of younger kids is "Rody, the bouncing horse," a plastic horse that a small child can hop onto and bounce around the room. Rody was invented in Italy in 1984.  
  • The family ("la famiglia") is a central characteristic of Italian life. Children have great respect for their older relatives. It is traditional to name the first male child after the grandfather and the first female child after the grandmother.
  • If kids live close to school, they can go home and have lunch with their families! Lunch at school might be pasta, meat with vegetables, a sandwich, or a salad with lots of ingredients. Families typically eat dinner later (7 to 8 pm), so kids end up staying up later, too!
  • Between lunch and dinner, kids often enjoy "merenda," which is an afternoon snack that translates to "something that is deserved." It is really a mini-meal that can include both savory and sweet foods. Examples of savory foods are a salami or mortadella sandwich, a slice of rustic bread rubbed with a cut, raw tomato, or "pizza bianca" (white pizza without tomato sauce). Types of sweet foods eaten during merenda are "gelato" (a lower-fat type of ice cream), any kind of cake, or biscotti dipped in warm milk.

THYME for a Laugh

What do you call a story about vegetables that has dragons, giants, and talking animals?

A fairy kale!

Lettuce Joke Around

What do you call an annoying baby brother? 

A pesto!

Lettuce Joke Around

Did you hear about the carrot that outran the bunny rabbit? 

He lived to tell the kale.

The Yolk's On You

What did the mint say to the other mint? 

We're mint to be together!

Lettuce Joke Around

Why is kale never lonely? 

Because they come in bunches!

Lettuce Joke Around

What is a mint’s favorite sport? 


That's Berry Funny

What do you call super-fast pasta sauce? 

Presto pesto!

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