"Rivella" Swiss Cream Soda

"Rivella" Swiss Cream Soda
Here's a drink from Switzerland—a country renowned for its fondness for cows. Rivella is Switzerland's answer to soda, and it boasts a surprise ingredient: whey! While Rivella has yet to catch on outside of Switzerland, it's very popular with Swiss people. Try our rendition—an effervescent concoction with fruity flavor that's udder-ly irresistible!
Happy & Healthy Cooking,
Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills
- measure :
to calculate the specific amount of an ingredient required using a measuring tool (like measuring cups or spoons).
- pour :
to cause liquid, granules, or powder to stream from one container into another.
- stir :
to mix together two or more ingredients with a spoon or spatula, usually in a circle pattern, or figure eight, or in whatever direction you like!
Equipment Checklist
- Pitcher
- Liquid measuring cup
- Measuring spoons
- Wooden spoon
"Rivella" Swiss Cream Soda
- 1 C heavy whipping cream **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub heavy coconut cream or other dairy-free/nut-free whipping cream)**
- 2 C sparkling water
- 1/2 C fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries or a combination)
- 2 T granulated sugar
Food Allergen Substitutions
"Rivella" Swiss Cream Soda
- Dairy: Substitute heavy coconut cream or other dairy-free/nut-free whipping cream.
"Rivella" Swiss Cream Soda
"Rivella" is a soda brand common in Switzerland. This cream soda is loosely based on that drink.
measure + mix
Simply, measure and pour 1 cup heavy whipping cream, 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries, and 2 tablespoons sugar into a pitcher. Mix until the sugar is dissolved.
pour + serve
Add 2 cups of sparkling water and watch the bubbles go crazy. Stir a few times before pouring into everyone’s cups. Cheers!

Hi! I'm Heavy Cream!
"I'm not a lightweight, like half and half. I'm full of fat and pour out much thicker. You can also call me 'heavy whipping cream.' The names refer to the same thing! Did you know that I can transform myself with your help? I turn into a fluffy topping to put on cakes and pies when you whisk me as fast as you can (or you can use a mixer). However, I go through an even bigger change when you shake me really hard in a covered container for a few minutes—I turn into butter!"
- Heavy cream is the thick, high-fat liquid at the top of raw milk. It naturally separates from the milk, rising to the top. It is skimmed off and then pasteurized to kill bacteria, which makes it safer to drink and lasts longer.
- Heavy whipping cream is made up of about 36 percent fat. In comparison, regular whipping cream is 30 percent fat, and half-and-half averages to about 14 percent.
- Heavy cream whips up better as a topping if the cream is cold, and pouring it into a cold mixing bowl before whipping also helps.
- The Guinness World Record for the most people simultaneously whipping cream by hand is 1,434 and was set on August 22, 2015, by employees of the Swiss company Nordostmilch AG in Bürglen, Switzerland.
- A dollop of whipped cream is great on fruit, cakes, and pies. The tallest recorded dollop so far was over 7 inches atop a mug of hot chocolate!
- Some of the foods heavy cream is added to include cakes, frostings, ice cream, salad dressings, sauces, soups, sour cream, scrambled eggs, chocolate ganache, crème fraîche, panna cotta, and homemade cheeses.
- One-half cup of heavy cream contains 43 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein, and the minerals calcium and phosphorus. It has more of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K than lower-fat dairy products. Fat-soluble vitamins are more easily absorbed by your body when eaten with fat.
History of Cream Soda!

- There have been several early versions of cream soda in its history. A recipe from 1852 in the Michigan Farmer publication was written by E. M. Sheldon. It was made with heated water, milk, cream of tartar, egg, Epsom salts, and sugar. Then, after being cooled with more water, baking soda was added to make the drink fizzy.
- In 1865, a US patent for "cream-soda water" was granted to Alexander C. Howell of New Jersey. His recipe included water, baking soda, egg whites, sugar, and wheat flour. Various flavorings included vanilla, lemon, and pineapple. Citric acid or tartaric acid was added before drinking the soda.
- A US patent in 1885 and a Canadian patent in 1886 were given to James William Black of Nova Scotia for an "ice-cream soda." It was a concentrated syrup of baking soda, whipped egg whites, sugar, lime juice, lemons, citric acid, and flavoring. This syrup would then be mixed with ice water to bring it to its desired state and add effervescence (fizziness).
- In the United States and several other countries, cream sodas are often flavored with vanilla to taste like an ice cream soda. Their colors are typically light golden brown or pink, although blue, orange, and red variations also exist. You can find them in stores in cans or bottles under several different brand names.
Let's Learn About Switzerland!

- The Swiss Federation is the official title of Switzerland, a small country in central Europe. It is landlocked—surrounded by land with no ocean access. It borders Germany on the north, Austria and Liechtenstein on the east, Italy on the south, and France on the west.
- The country's total area is 15,940 square miles. That is smaller than the US state of West Virginia and bigger than Maryland. The population is over 8.7 million.
- Bern is the capital of Switzerland, and Zürich is its largest city.
- There are four national languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. More than 62 percent of the population speaks German.
- The country's government is a semi-direct democratic federal republic with 26 cantons (administrative districts). Its citizens have more power than in a representative democracy.
- Switzerland practices armed neutrality, meaning it does not take sides during wars and does not send troops to join conflicts, although it has a large military and will defend itself.
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a noted Swiss 18th-century philosopher and writer who is said to have influenced the Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and modern political thought.
- Johanna Louise Spyri was a Swiss novelist from the 1800s who is known for writing Heidi, the well-known children's book about an orphan girl taken in by her grandfather in the Alps, which has been made into a movie several times.
- Switzerland is known for its Swiss Alps, where the country's highest mountains are found. The well-known Matterhorn is the fifth-highest mountain in Switzerland at 14,692 feet, and the tallest is the Dufourspitze at 15,203 feet!
- Switzerland's climate is not all about snowy mountains—no excessive heat, cold, or humidity—and the climate varies according to the region. In the north, it is moderate, with cold winters and warm summers; temperatures drop in the mountainous east; the west has a mild climate; while in the south, it is so warm that palm trees line the shore of Lake Lugano.
- Switzerland has more than 1,500 lakes! Lake Geneva is the largest, although it is shared with France.
- The Red Cross was started in Switzerland in 1863 and is headquartered in Geneva. The Red Cross symbol is similar to the Swiss flag, except its cross is red and the background is white, and the Swiss flag is white on a red background.
- A few other institutions also have their international headquarters in Geneva, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
- Hydroelectric power is popular in Switzerland. Over 60 percent of the country's electricity comes from hydroelectric power.
- There are over 3,200 miles of railways in Switzerland. Most people travel by train if they are traveling to a different part of the country. The railway system is completely electrified.
- The bobsled was invented in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and the winter sports of skiing, snowboarding, and mountaineering are very popular in the country.
- The international organizations for football (FIFA) and ice hockey (IIHF) are located in Zürich.
- In Switzerland, keeping just one guinea pig is illegal because they are considered social creatures.
- Swiss chocolate is famous around the world. The Swiss began making it in the 17th century and mechanized its production in the early 19th century. The average Swiss citizen consumes about 20 pounds of chocolate each year.
- The Swiss dish, "fondue," consists of a communal pot of melted cheese and wine into which bread is dipped. The earliest known mention of the dish (though not called "fondue") comes from a 1699 cookbook, and some say a similar recipe can be traced all the way back to 800 BCE. Since its earlier beginnings, it has evolved to include pots of hot oil to cook chunks of meat and pots of chocolate to dip pieces of cake or fruit into.
- "Rosti" is a Swiss national dish of grated raw potatoes mixed with butter, oil, or cheese, seasoned with salt and pepper, flattened into a skillet, and pan-fried—similar to hash browns! It was originally eaten for breakfast by farmers in the canton of Bern but is now eaten as a side dish everywhere and at any time.
- Another Swiss dish is "raclette." Cheese is put near the heat of an oven or fire, and the melted part is scraped onto bread or potatoes.
What's It Like to Be a Kid in Switzerland?
- Swiss children can attend free "children's school" from 4 to 5 years old. Primary school begins at age 6.
- Kids may enjoy skiing or other winter sports. They may play football (soccer), tennis, or ice hockey. They also may participate in the traditional Swiss sport of "schwingen," where the competitors wrestle in a circle of sawdust.
- Fun activities for kids include hiking-themed trails, like the Toggenburg Tone Trail. It is in eastern Switzerland and has 20 interactive musical activities along the route with beautiful mountain views. Summer tobogganing down a metal slide is popular. The mountains have playgrounds, coaster and scooter tracks, and alpine lakes to swim in. Touring a chocolate factory would also be enjoyable, especially with the chocolate tasting at the end of the tour!
- Breakfast is often bread with butter and jam, and a Swiss plaited bread called "zopf" with honey on Sundays. Kids may also eat cereal, cheese, eggs, fruit, oatmeal, or yogurt. For lunch, kids often come home between morning and afternoon school sessions to have a large meal with their family, and then supper may consist of cheese and deli meat or salad.
- In addition to Swiss chocolate, desserts may include "basler leckerli" (Swiss spiced cookie bars), "rüebli kuchen" (carrot cake), "schokolade kuchen" (chocolate cake), and gingerbread.