Sweet Coconut Cream
Sweet Coconut Cream
Our Sweet Coconut Cream is a sweet, creamy, dairy-free topping for pancakes in place of butter. You may find your pancakes won't need anything else, except perhaps some sliced fruit, to go on top. Try the cream with our Zany Last Minute Upside-Down Pineapple Pancakes that come with their own fruit!
Happy & Healthy Cooking,
Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills
- measure :
to calculate the specific amount of an ingredient required using a measuring tool (like measuring cups or spoons).
- whisk :
to beat or stir ingredients vigorously with a fork or whisk to mix, blend, or incorporate air.
Equipment Checklist
- Small mixing bowl
- Liquid measuring cup
- Measuring spoons
- Whisk
Sweet Coconut Cream
- 1/2 cup coconut cream (the cream is at the top of a can of coconut milk)
- 2 T brown sugar/honey/maple syrup (or 2 stevia packets)
- 1 pinch salt
Sweet Coconut Cream
measure + whisk
Have kids add 1/2 cup coconut cream (skimmed from the top of a can of coconut milk) to a small mixing bowl. They can also measure and add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar or other sweetener and 1 pinch of salt to the bowl. Have kids whisk until the sugar is combined with the coconut cream. Pour on top of pancakes, like Zany Last Minute Upside-Down Pineapple Pancakes. Yum!