VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE Fancy French Garden Carrot Gougères

VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE Fancy French Garden Carrot Gougères
Gougères (pronounced "goo-ZHER") are French cheese puffs. They are traditionally baked hollow dough balls made from choux (pronounced "shoo") pastry mixed with cheese. Choux is the same light, flaky pastry used to make profiteroles, eclairs, beignets, Parisian gnocchi, and churros! Sometimes gougères are plain, and other times they're stuffed with various ingredients such as fresh and dried herbs, mushrooms, beef, or ham. Although you won't be filling the insides of your puffs, they're not plain! We've added grated carrot and dairy-free cheese to our Vegan and Gluten-Free gougères dough.
Happy & Healthy Cooking,
Fun-Da-Mentals Kitchen Skills
- grate :
to reduce food, like a carrot, to very small shreds or pieces of the same size by rubbing it on a tool with an outside surface that has holes with cutting edges (a grater).
- simmer :
to cook a food gently, usually in a liquid, until softened.
- whisk :
to beat or stir ingredients vigorously with a fork or whisk to mix, blend, or incorporate air.
Equipment Checklist
- Oven
- Muffin pan
- Pastry brush (optional, for greasing muffin pan)
- Large mixing bowl
- Dry measuring cups
- Liquid measuring cup
- Measuring spoons
- Grater
- Rubber spatula
- Whisk or immersion blender
VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE Fancy French Garden Carrot Gougères
- 2 C tapioca flour (found at natural grocery stores, Asian markets, and larger grocery stores)
- 3/4 C unsweetened soy, rice, or coconut milk (dairy-free/nut-free milk)
- 1 T baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
- 8 T (1 stick) dairy-free/nut-free butter, softened (like Earth Balance brand)
- 3 to 4 tablespoons nutritional yeast
- 1 carrot
- 2 vegetable oil for greasing muffin pan
VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE Fancy French Garden Carrot Gougères
gougères intro
We are making Gougères! (baked cheese puffs), pronounced "goo-ZHER."
preheat + brush
Preheat your oven to 400 F and brush 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in the wells of your muffin pan.
measure + mix
In a large bowl, measure and mix 2 cups tapioca flour, 3/4 cup dairy free milk, 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon sugar, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 8 tablespoons dairy free butter, and 3 to 4 tablespoons nutritional yeast.
grate + pulse
Grate 1 carrot and add to the mixture in the bowl. Whisk or use an immersion blender to pulse for at least 5 seconds while counting in French: 1 un (uhn), 2 deux (deuh), 3 trois (twah), 4 quatre (KAH-truh), 5 cinq (sank). You may need to use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the bowl so that everything gets blended very, very well.
pour + bake + cool
Pour batter into the greased muffin pan, not quite to the top. Bake for about 20 minutes, until puffy and just lightly browned. Remove from the oven and let cool for a few minutes. These make a delicious snack served with Petite Veggie Crudités & Rémoulade and French Lemon Spritz (see recipes)!

Hi! I'm Carrot!
“I'm at the root of this recipe! Get it? Root? Carrots are root vegetables! We grow up in dark and cozy soil. Our leaves get plenty of sunshine, though. If you grow us, it's so satisfying to pull us out of our underground home and know you'll be tasting our crunchy sweetness very soon. But you may want to wash us first! You can eat carrots raw or cook them first. Either way, you'll enjoy our flavor, texture, and color in salads, savory dishes, and desserts, like carrot cake!"
- Before carrots were orange, they were purple, red, white, and yellow. In the 16th century (after the Middle Ages), Dutch carrot growers invented the orange carrot in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family (for Kings and Queens). They did this by crossbreeding pale yellow carrots with red carrots.
- Carrots soon caught on in England as both a food and a fashion accessory. For example, it's said that ladies in the 1600s would decorate their hats with carrot tops instead of feathers!
- The carrots we eat today were domesticated from a wild carrot native to Europe and southwestern Asia.
- No one knows exactly how old carrots are, but history traces them back about 5,000 years. They were mistaken for parsnips before the carrot was identified as a distinct vegetable. Carrots and parsnips are related but from different families. Parsnips are white and look a lot like carrots. They're also root vegetables!
- When carrots were first grown many hundreds of years ago, farmers prized them for their aromatic leaves and seeds—not just the roots!
- According to some sources, carrots are the second most popular vegetable in the world, behind just one other. Can you guess what's number one? Potatoes!
- The longest carrot ever recorded was over 20 feet long! (The measurement included the taproot's long, skinny end.) The heaviest carrot recorded weighed over 22 pounds!
- You may think rabbits love carrots naturally, and this is largely because of the popularity of the wise-cracking and charming cartoon rabbit character named Bugs Bunny. We see Bugs Bunny munching on a carrot in most scenes. In reality, if a rabbit ate a whole carrot, it would be like you or me eating 20 carrots in one sitting! Way too much! Here's another fun fact: The voice of Bugs Bunny, Mel Blanc, reportedly did not like carrots at all.
Anatomy & Etymology
- Carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family, named for their resemblance to an umbrella when their leafy green stems are attached. This family includes celery, parsnip, fennel, dill, and coriander.
- Carrots are root vegetables, meaning they grow underneath the ground. Their feathery leaves grow above the ground. Can you think of other root vegetables? A few of them are beets, onions, turnips, potatoes, radishes, parsnips, fennel, garlic, and jicama.
- You can eat every part of the carrot. Typically we eat the root part of the plant, but the stems and leaves are edible, too! A carrot's root can grow anywhere from 2 to 20 inches long before it's picked!
- Carrots like to grow in cooler climates, not tropical, hot places. For this reason, they are usually grown in the autumn, winter, and spring months.
- Baby carrots sold in grocery stores started as long carrots that were sliced and tumbled into smaller pieces to make them "baby-sized."
- Carrot seeds are tiny. Find a teaspoon. How many carrot seeds do you think will fit inside? About 2,000!
- A carrot plant will live for two years, meaning new crops need to be planted from seed every two years.
- There are two main classes of carrots: Western and Eastern. The Western class includes four types, classified by their root shape: Chantenay, Danvers, Imperator, and Nantes. Several cultivars (varieties created by selective breeding) exist under each type. Many varieties have different colors than the typical orange. How many colors have you seen? The next time you're in the grocery store, look for these diverse carrots.
- The English word "carrot" comes from the Greek word "karoton."
How to Pick, Buy, & Eat
- One large carrot or a handful of baby carrots counts as one vegetable serving. Aim for three servings of veggies a day for kids and five servings for adults.
- Carrots can be eaten raw, roasted, juiced, boiled, mashed, or steamed. However, they are most nutrient-dense when cooked and eaten with fat like butter or oil.
- When you eat a carrot, how does it taste? Modern carrots have been bred to be sweet, which is why we often use them in baked goods like carrot cake! On the other hand, ancient carrots were bitter, not sweet.
- Look for firm, brightly colored carrots with smooth, firm skin. Carrots that are limp or black near the top are not fresh.
- Thicker carrots may be older and tougher to eat, whereas thinner carrots are typically younger, fresher, and sweeter.
- Store carrots in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator, where they will keep for a few weeks!
- One of the tastiest, easiest ways to cook carrots is to toss them with melted butter, salt, honey, and garlic, then roast them at 425 F for 20 minutes.
- You can grate raw carrots and add them to salads or chop them to add to soups or stews. If you boil or steam carrots, you then puree them to add to breads, cookies, cakes, or even tomato sauce to sweeten it. Carrots add natural sweetness to whatever recipe they're in (and a pretty orange color, too!).
- Eyes! The color of a fruit or vegetable tells us what nutrient it contains (nature is amazing!). Orange vegetables and fruits have a particular nutrient called beta carotene. Beta carotene was named for the carrot itself! This nutrient converts to vitamin A inside the body, which is good for our eyes! Studies have shown that only three percent of beta carotene is released from the raw vegetable when we digest it. But this percentage can be improved when we juice or puree raw carrots or cook them with fat like butter or oil. Carrots have the most beta carotene of any vegetable!
- Teeth! The crunchiness of carrots helps clean the plaque off your teeth and gums, just like your toothbrush! Of course, this doesn't mean eating a carrot at the end of the day can substitute for brushing your teeth! Carrots also have minerals that protect the teeth.
- Purple carrots include anthocyanin, an antioxidant, just like purple eggplants, blueberries, and other colorful fruits.
- As with all vegetables, eating carrots helps protect us from getting sick!
What are Gougères?

- Reportedly, gougères (goo-ZHER) originated in the Burgundy region of France, specifically the town of Tonnerre. Earlier versions of gougères were not so much a pastry as a stew and were made with herbs, bacon, eggs, cheese, spices, and meat mixed with animal blood, then prepared in a sheep's stomach! In earlier times, people would eat every part of the animal, including their organs, said to be highly nutritious and good for health.
- These hollow cheese puffs are baked using "pâte à choux" (choux (shoo) pastry) and are sometimes filled after baking with savory ingredients like cheese, mushrooms, salmon mixed with cream cheese, and other cooked meat mixtures. They can be eaten warm or cold. When served individually, their diameter varies from about 1 to 4 inches; however, gougères can also be formed into a ring and cut into slices after baking.
Let's Learn About France!

- Bonjour (hello)! Bienvenue en (welcome to) France and the spectacular Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and ancient Roman ruins in the Provence region.
- France is a European country, and its official name is the French Republic. The capital city is Paris, which also has the most people.
- France's land area is 248,573 square miles. That is almost the size of the US state of Texas! The number of people in France is 67,874,000, about 43 percent more than in Texas.
- The official and national language is French, which is also the official language in 12 other countries, and a co-official language in 16 countries, including Canada.
- France's government consists of a president, a prime minister, and a parliament and is divided into regions and departments rather than states and counties.
- The French have a well-known motto, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
- In addition to the Eiffel Tower, France is known for the Louvre, the most visited art museum worldwide (the Mona Lisa resides there), the Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the French Riviera (Côte d'Azur) in southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast.
- France is famous for the "beaux-arts" (fine arts). Paris is still home to many artists and great painters, artisans, and sculptors. Great literature came from French authors, such as Victor Hugo's novels Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
- Paris has two popular nicknames. The most common is "The City of Light" (La Ville Lumière), which came about because Paris was the first European city to implement street lighting in 1860, lighting up the city with 56,000 gas street lamps. The second is "The City of Love," (La Ville de L'amour). This name is probably due to Paris being considered one of the most romantic cities in the world and the high number of marriage proposals at the Eiffel Tower!
- French cuisine is known for its freshness and high quality. Many of the world's greatest pastries originated in France, such as the croissant, eclair, and macaron!
- Other French foods are escargot (snails!), baguette (bread), ratatouille (roasted tomato, zucchini, and eggplant—remember the movie?!), and crepes (very thin pancakes).
What's It Like to Be a Kid in France?
- Most kids start school (preschool) at around age three. Depending on the area and the school, students go to school 4 to 5 days a week. They often get a 1½-hour lunch break, and some kids go home for lunch.
- Dinner is served at 7:30 pm or later, so afternoon snacks are essential. "Le goûter" (goo-tay), or afternoon tea, often includes a "tartine," a slice of bread topped with something sweet or savory (like cheese, butter and jam, or Nutella). Other popular snacks are yogurt, fromage blanc (white cheese), and fruit.
- Popular sports for kids are soccer, bicycling, and tennis.
- There are several parks in France, in and around Paris. Napoleon III even designed one of them, the Bois de Boulogne, where you can find beautiful gardens, lakes, a zoo, an amusement park, and two horse racing tracks. In addition, kids can go on pony rides, play mini-golf, and race remote control boats at many public parks.
- Of course, kids can also go to the most popular theme park in Europe, Disneyland Paris, which opened in 1992. While there, kids can go on a ride unique to Disneyland Paris: Ratatouille: The Adventure!