Online S.T.E.A.M. Cooking Class
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Hosted Online by Sticky Fingers Cooking
www.stickyfingerscooking.com (303) 648-4078
Zoom, Online, 00000
Important Information

Welcome to Online S.T.E.A.M. Class!
Cooking and science are a match made in...the kitchen! Come join our online S.T.E.A.M. class to explore some of the many connections between cooking and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math! We’ll be adding spice, subtracting boredom, and multiplying the fun to create culinary masterpieces! Our S.T.E.A.M. focus for this class: Science and the concept of leavening agents in cooking & baking.
We'll make the following recipe: Key Lime Doughnut Holes + Lime Syrup Glaze + Limealicious Mad Scientist Soda!
Things to know:
- Class is open to ALL AGES [For some less experienced chefs, adult help might be needed]
- Only 1 registration is needed per household. Siblings can join on the same screen and can share ingredients OR have their own!
- Your child will need access to a full oven. Parental guidance is suggested, based on your child's age and ability.
- You will receive a welcome email before the class with instructions for logging in and the recipe [Be sure to check your spam folder!]
- If you have any questions, please email us at online@stickyfingerscooking.com.
We can't wait to cook up some fun with your young chefs!
Class Theme Details

COOK UP SOME FUN WITH US! Sticky Fingers Cooking has taught in-person and online cooking classes to over 50,000 children (and counting) since 2012. Our talented and experienced chef instructors join groups of children virtually while everyone remains in the safety and comfort of their own homes. A recipe with a shopping list, equipment checklist, food allergy guide, and video collection is included for participating families.
IF THEY MAKE IT, THEY’LL TRY IT! Sticky Fingers Cooking strives to inspire, educate, and celebrate the essential role that real foods, cooking, and nutrition play in promoting health and wellness. Sticky Fingers Cooking provides simple and adaptive cooking skills, as well as nutrition education, which positively impact youth and their families in our community. We hope to see you in the kitchen!
Recipe List